Saturday, January 28, 2006

What Not To Tell Your Hormone Riddled Wife

Last night Ken mentions that he looked into more life insurance, and he proceeds to tell me how much I'll get if he dies.

Here's where men and women are different: Right now, all you women are shaking your heads (you get it), where as the men are wondering what life insurance company my husband looked into.

Now men, I know that it is your job to provide for the family, and you all take it very seriously, and only want the best for your family if something horrible should happen. That is good. That is responsible. That is as it should be. But consider timing carefully...

DON'T talk about life insurance and your impending death with your overdue pregnant wife!!! The idea lots of dough, is not going to protect your wife from drowning you both in an undertow of hormonal emotion. I held it together pretty well, but I was very close to losing it.

It ended up being a great conversation. Really it did. We both shared how absolutely impossible it would be to find someone else like each other. We have a relationship like no other couple I know. Absolute divine soul mates to the core. He talked about how much I would need to have someone to protect me, and I talked about how much he would need someone to care after the kids and home. (fighting tears mind you) We both shot each other down, and said we would rather suck it up and make it on our own. A second spouse would never match up to what we have built together. And the pickins'...I don't even want to think of the slim pickins'. And the work...sigh.

God knows my heart, and He knows that I trust His ways are perfect. He was without a doubt our matchmaker (one day I'll share the story), and His timing in all things is impeccable. There are so few marriages that really work anymore, but Ken and I do. Extremely well. We've been married almost ten years, and I can still count our arguments on one hand. It is my hope that the Lord feels that it is right and good to keep both of us on this planet for the good of the institution of marriage itself.

But I digress...MEN...just don't mention the words "life insurance" to your honeys when they have swollen feet and fat faces. If your wife loves you, don't expect her to jump out of her chair like she's just won the lottery at the sound of compensation in exchange for your life.

But if you must proceed, you are a very brave and courageous man. Clearly you have trained with only the best older sisters to be able to balance highly unstable emotions. Advance with conversation at your own risk, and bring lots of back up: umbrellas, swim floaties, diving gear, hovercraft...

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