Monday, January 30, 2006

It's Game Time!

I'm in holy cow mode, so this is going to be brief. The doctor visit showed that I am a textbook case of myself. Still no further movement in the effacement department and a whole 1 1/2 cm. Doc says I'm measuring at 40 weeks even for little me, and seemed confident that we needed to help nature along at this point. I was all for that, so he said he'd call and make an appointment.

He came back in the room minutes later and said, "We'll see you at 7:30pm."


Yep. Tonight.

All this time I've been preparing myself for Wednesday at the earliest. Since my cervix isn't quite favorable enough I need to go in tonight for the softening part and then it is two men and a truck of Pitocin tomorrow. Game time is in T-minus six hours and Moving Day for baby Faith is probably tomorrow.

I'm a little frazzled with the idea of going in tonight. I hadn't psyched myself up for action this evening. I'm sure I'll feel better once I pack the remainder of my gear, and a have a pep talk or two with myself. So...Wahoo!!! She's a comin' folks!!!

BTW, if you are a science dork like myself, and like to look further into the whole ripening of the cervix gel thing that include time averages and success rates, etc., you'll find this medical study informative and helpful.

1 comment:

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

S. said...

Oh, how exciting, YOU'RE HAVING A BABY!!!! Hope all goes well and that you have a lovely birth experience. You're going to be holding Faith before you know it.

(Comment moved by MKH during the In This Corner blog merge.)