Monday, January 16, 2006

I Need MORE 24

I don't know what it is, but everytime I sit down to watch 24, that's when the contractions really start to kick in. Must be all the action and adrenaline. Tonight, while watching the second day to the premiere the BH contractions started laying in one after the other, almost back to back and intensifying into what I would consider a real contraction or two. And was over. The show was over, and the Braxton Hicks went away too. BOO.

The oddest thing is even after 2 kids I can find myself still feeling nervous when things kick in like that. This should be cake. Why do I get the nerves? Maybe the fact that I haven't packed a thing for the hospital...NOTHING...speaks for itself. But, I've been packed before and I've followed the play book both times. There is nothing more disappointing than having your bags still sitting by the door three weeks later. I'm trying a new angle this time. A little reverse psychology with my body.

Two can play this game. Its me against my uterus of steel.

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