Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sheesh. I'm So Predictable

Well score one for team Uterus of Steel. My internal showed I'm going no where fast with 0% effacement. I actually have a worse progress report than my first two at this stage.

So what is the good news? Apparently my due date is not Jan. 24th as I have always thought, but a whopping day earlier on the 23rd. (not that it matters). There is some actually very good news. I was concerned about Faith getting my viral sickness, but the doc says that I am producing antibodies now, so she should be protected through the breastmilk. That seriously makes me feel better. The other good news is that he suggested I could take NyQuil. I'm not a NyQuil taker, but I've literally been getting only a few hours of sleep a night in the last few nights, and I NEED to knock myself out to get better.

So...we'll regroup on Monday, when doc can check me again and tell me that I could run a marathon and she'd still stay disengaged. Did I happen to mention that my mother was three weeks late with me?'s in the genes.

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