Sunday, January 08, 2006

The School Doors Are Locked Again

The children endured a day of locked doors to the school room today, as I prepared for our next term. Locking the doors has proved to be a great way to instantly kick up the anticipation for a new term. They were finding every excuse in the book to find things that needed to get put away in the playroom, just for a quick glimpse of changes to the room. Unfortunately, I am SO TIRED from all of our other preparations around the house, that the playroom will not be the beautiful spick and span it was at the beginning of our last term. I warned the children tonight that I probably wouldn't get it all done. Ken teased that they might not be able to do school until later in the afternoon. This was met with instant protests, and thoughtful words to Mom that they wouldn't care if it was still a little messy.

This term I am trying to add a little more to our load (CM style), but still maintaining short lessons. We are diving head first into Grace's 4th term of Year 1/2 AO requirements, and Jack has made it clear that he would like to dive into reading this term. Plus our new nature study (rodents), Claude Monet, and the wonderful music of Puccini. We will be adding music to our load with an introduction to guitar, piano and recorder lessons.

I placed an order through Montessori-n-Such and Amazon earlier in the week, and the children were able to peek (but not touch) at a few of the hands on activities they'll have available. I'm equally as giddy with the beginning of a new term. There is something about a fresh start, and new material, that is re-energizing. I wish the schoolroom was cleaner, but Baby Faith and my aching pelvis will have no more of it tonight.

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