Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sweet Sleep

Thank you NyQuil!!! I took a half dose last night and it was just enough to set me over into the Sweet Abyss of sleep. Not loopy enough to prevent my two trips to the loo during the night, but just enough to allow me to breath and settle back into sleep after the loo. The best part - I woke up on my own in the morning with a full 8 hours of sleep.

The only drawback seems to be my eyes which are unbelievably dry today. I have pyscho eyes that are extremely sensitive and reactive to changes in my body. So much so that it took me 5 years and a number of doctors to figure out that one eye goes red for three days (like conjunctivitis) a week prior to ovulation. Isn't that wild???? My own little built in ovulation kit. I bet you didn't know that you have estrogen receptors in your eyeballs. As a sidebar, one of the benefits of pregnancy for me is I don't have to deal with that eye, and the constant "Did you know your eye is red?" comments on a monthly basis. So either my estrogen levels are crashing as I approach my due date or the NyQuil has dried me up - or both.

You can be sure I'll be raising a toast to NyQuil again tonight.

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