Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bite Sized Peace vs. Explosions

You know what? With my sickness finally retreating, little to no contractions, and knowing my effacement status, I feel a strange peace. My energy is regaining, the last minute items on my plate are getting cleared, and knowing that more than likely I'll be having an early February baby feels just fine. For the future sake of her birthdays, the farther away from Christmas the better, right?

Regardless, my little bite sized angel will be here in a couple of weeks. And her Mama peace. AND I feel loved. My Father knew what he was doing putting my childbearing years within the last 75 years. I'd have never made it out on the prairie.

It brings a very odd childhood memory to my head. Have you ever had a mosquito land on your arm and flexed it? Flex it hard enough without releasing and the mosquito will be stuck, but they won't quit drinking. If you can outlast the mosquito, they eventually explode. It makes for one huge mosquito bite (I never did it myself, just saw other kids do it), but it sure is interesting.

Well...back to the original vision. That would be me on the range. I would have never made it past my first pregnancy...I'd have just exploded first.

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