Thursday, January 26, 2006


I'm still here. The heaviness and BH contractions subsided by noon yesterday, so I went on a cleaning binge. This was followed in the late evening by a trip to the grocery store for a much needed restock. By the third aisle, my back was done. I have never experienced the kind of exhaustion that I felt when I finally crawled into bed last night. My entire body felt like I had been lifting weights for three hours straight - my legs were like rubber and I had the shakes. I submitted to Ken that my body was done. Spent.

February 1st seems like an eternity for induction, but I won't give into the idea any sooner. Not sure why. Mother's intuition I guess. I secretly hoped that if I just admitted my exhaustion, my body would pull a sympathy move and start kicking things into overdrive. Instead the night was filled with delirious dreams of delivery, and feelings of contracting and some cramping through the night but barely coherent enough to register what was really going on. I might have been imagining all of the contractions. And then there were the trips to the loo where I thought I had to go, but then didn't. I'm slowly going loopy.

I was up for good by 6:00 AM - which is ridiculous considering how tired I was last night. This morning, I've just got a lovely case of a stomach ache. I've got a line from "Nemo" running through my head...

"Just keep on swimming...keep on swimming..."

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