Friday, January 20, 2006

Mothers...Here's An Instant "Pick Me Up"

Why are we drawn to reality based TV? Because it makes us feel better about ourselves and our own life after we watch it. Our lives seem chaotic until we watch a few ridiculous moments of reality TV. So Moms, this is a little humbling gift from me to you. Indulge yourselves in viewing my reality...this is our playroom/schoolroom at the moment:

Sad. Sad. Sad. I do have a few good excuses: 39 weeks pregnant and sick all week. I certainly didn't have the energy for much discipline. It shows.

Excuses mean nothing to the viewer. You thought your house was a disaster until you saw this didn't you? There...don't you feel better?? (Don't say I never gave you anything.)

I bet if I set myself in the middle of the room and stare at it long enough, it just might be enough to push me into labor. Kind of a fight or flight response. And right now, I'm all about flight. Run very far away...

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