Saturday, April 15, 2006

Breaching The Levies

Maybe this is related to Faith's restlessness last night. Interestingly enough, the girl slept a whopping 11 hours straight last night after her crying it out session. She collapsed at 9:30pm and slept the whole night through until 8:30am.

Isn't it a tease? As a nursing mom you can't wait for the day your little one snoozes the night away, meanwhile you wake up in the middle of the night to two painfully gigantic rocks in a milk soaked shirt.

There is this mental game I play in my head. I don't want to play, but I'm forced to. I usually lose too. Nursing really is amazing. All I have to do is think about nursing for 10 seconds and my milk comes in. So what happens when I am thinking about how painful my already engorged milk bar is and wishing Faith would wake up?? MORE MILK COMES IN!! Burning like fire as it tries desperately to find a place to go.

I am very aware that I run this risk of breaching the levies just from mental thoughts. So my stream of consciousness goes something like this:

Oiy. These hurt something awful...I need her to wake up soon...DON'T THINK ABOUT NURSING OR YOU'LL LET DOWN and be stuck with bigger rocks for the next few hours...think about something else...but I can hardly move without feeling the pain...think about something am I going to get back to sleep if I can't...DOH!!!

I did manage to get through the night this time without arousing in pain, but by 7:30am, I was wildly expressing milk in the shower with two fists. Lovely visual...

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