Sunday, April 23, 2006

I Am Alive

I'm feeling much better today after Friday's "Deliverance". I don't like to get drugs for every little "this and that". I never get the flu shot. But there are obviously times when medicinal drugs are necessary and embraced. Funny thing is, the doctor even warned me that the antibiotics that I was about to take weren't going to be a blanket cure for my mastitis. They would simply work on the surface, and that's all. HUH????

Doc let me know that if I thought of my Mastitis as a sphere only the outside would heal. The inside would still need and require old fashion nursing, pumping, and expressing to return to healthy. He informed me that with a body temp of 98.6F the milk that had collected in the blocked area would begin to curdle and get thick. ....great, my little girl might end up drinking spoiled milk...

However, I think he unblocked the ducts single handedly right there on the table. Literally. He took his thumb and pressed HARD, REALLY HARD right where it was the most painful. And then he took that thumb, still holding down so hard I was seeing stars, and moved it toward the exit route. He knew I was in major pain as he apologized during the process. I would never have inflicted that much pain on myself. I'm sure that little procedure alone dislodged some blockage.

I'm still a little tender even after 3 days of antibiotics. And I'm sure I'm bruised as well from Friday. The little bit of pain left was easily forgotten this weekend. Both days have been beautiful and spent as a family in our local park where our church had its famous Spring Festival. The children always get sunburned from spending hours at the festival clamoring over big blow up obstacles and slides, or horsing around with little friends. It is such a welcomed sign of summer to me, when we all come home with rosy cheeks and shiny red noses.

This morning they held our church service in the park. I wish we did that more often. Every church should invest in a retractable dome. On gorgeous days we should all retract our domes, and feel the breeze against our faces while we lift our praises up toward the heavens. Rather than darken the room so we all can see the words on the screen above stage, let's lighten it up and let the sweet air in, even if it means doing a little word guess-work during our praise.

The wind is such a living reminder of Christ to me: Powerful. Refreshing. Moving. I love to watch Faith when the wind blows in her face. It is a reflex. Every baby does it. Babies breathe deeper when the wind fills their tiny noses. I've spent the winter and part of spring shut up with the duties of motherhood. Away from the free movement of fresh air. Its been good to get out, feel life again, and breathe deeper.

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