Thursday, April 27, 2006

Lamentations of a Housewife

I'm allowing myself 15 minutes to go on a blogging rant. I've really tried hard in the last week to get this house clean, but there are times, like now, when I wonder why I put forth the effort.

Why does my son find it necessary to open almost all of the yogurt tops in the fridge before he selects one?

Why does one of those yogurts have to fall and hit the floor and explode over the entire kitchen?

Why in the world did I lick off my fingers when they rubbed up against yogurt sitting on the rim of the trash bag? The same bag that holds a full load of disgusting grit and dirt from our bagless vacuum.

Why do I always find a dreaded skid mark in the toilet 30 minutes after it has been cleaned?

Why do I have to plunge the toilet every time my son does a number two?

Why is it that MY bum always has to be the squee-gie for someone else's poor aim?

Where in the world do those huge bleached spots on my nice towels come from??? I don't use bleach.

Why do I take time to hang the children's clothes? Why do I take time to hang my own clothes? I'm just as bad.

Why do my children pick the RED GRAPE JUICE to have a tea party at 8:00am on the carpeted floor?

Why do I make my bed? Why do I stop and arrange pillows? Why do kids like to play hide and seek on a made up bed?

Why do I place a paper plate (purchased with the intention of reducing dish loads), on top of a ceramic plate?

Why does my daughter insist on showing me the mud caked hoe she used to bury sunflower seeds AFTER I've just vacuumed the floor?

Why do I think that our playroom should look like the anal retentively organized playrooms in the PotteryBarn Kids catalog? I mean what IS that? Do they know how cruel that is to mothers around the world?

Why do I actually enjoy cleaning out the wax bug parties in my children's ears? I look forward to it. Is it because this is the one place the children haven't figured out how to messy up 30 minutes after they've been cleaned?

And after all of this cleaning in circles...Why do I still wish to have a dirty dozen of these destroyers?

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