Monday, July 17, 2006

Where In The World Is Faith Knucker Hatch?

That's right folks...take a good look at 2012's next National Geography Bee champion. Again...another homeschooler. (The kids were playing with our new globe and it orbited into Faith's territory. I couldn't pass up the picture.)

The globe has been an interesting addition. I purposely waited. I'm not sure why exactly. I wanted the children to learn the continents on a flat map first. It was amusing to watch them translate how the continents appeared on a flat map to the continents on a globe. It took some adjusting, but they were really interested in getting reaquainted with the continents. Ok...that...and seeing how fast they could spin the globe. I'm patting myself on the back now for going with the cheaper globe.

Only two more weeks to get organized before we hit the books again...ACH!!!

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