Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm Too Sexy For My One-sie

Right now, there is just no stinkin' reason why this baby needs to be wearing clothes. It's hot. It's humid. And it's sticky. The drool is out of control; and anything trying to stay dry under the mouth of Faith is wasting its time. And lastly, we just had our second set of vaccinations which again has come with the works - fever, poo explosions and major upchucks. It's any wonder that I dressed this week for that matter.

However, a naked baby is impossible to avoid. It is a pudgy, white, magnet that draws your face towards its baby smooth ripples and rolls. Ken and I were laughing yesterday that while Faith hardly ever reacts to us blowing "zerberts" on her belly and neck, it is impossible not to do. It just feels we keep landing em' on the poor kid. It's therapy.

"Would you like that PBJ with crunchy or creamy peanut butter?"

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