Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Oh Look! A Post About Babies & Dogs.

How original. I just can't help myself. I'll try and stop...after this post. But, put dogs and babies together, those great wide spheres o'happiness, and my heart melteth.

This moment begged for a photo. This isn't so much Hatch snuggling with Faith as it is Hatch saw me coming in Faith's general direction so he flopped down next to Faith to get a piece of lovin' action. Faith, capitalized on the moment and decided to get a piece of her own lovin' action laying a solid grip around Hatch's fur.

Mr. Hatch's personality is starting to come out of his shell. He's a trip. The dog knows how to milk a good thing, and could qualify as one of the biggest pushovers on the face of God's green earth. He's a dreamboat dog.

Yesterday, I felt like SuperMOM walking into the vet with a baby on my back, two kids in tow, one gerbil in a cage, and one happy go lucky dog. Minus the double trips for moving dogs and gerbils around, the visit went well (for all but the pet gerbil). It was worth the extra effort in that we weren't leaving the vet with just a euthanized dead gerbil to bury, but we had a very happy, healthy dog going home with us.

Jack was still very sad. While the gerbil was in the back room for the final countdown, I tried my best to keep the situation positive talking about the bright side of Marly's soon to be new and improved life. At one point, the thoughts overwhelmed Jack and he dropped into a corner on his knees and quickly said, "I need to think about something else." Jack's in need of extra warm hugs these days. Sad one moment, and angrily drop kicking his big sister the next moment.

Except for some "slightly arthritic back knees", Hatch walked out with a clean bill of health, stunning the staff with his adorable demeanor and manners. The vet's opinion is Hatch is a golden/collie mix (too big for a Spitz), around 2-3 years of age. We've got a lot of years to look forward to with Mr. Hatch. Which is terrific news for all of us.

1 comment:

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Nana said...

I miss getting on this site for a few days and all kinds of "life's unforgettable moments" have happened while I was away. Congrats to "Hatch" on his new home and especially his his new family. Hatch, it is clear that the "hand of God" snatched you from certain destruction and placed you into the best family I know, even though I may be just a little biased.

I am so happy you all have found another big furry companion to round out your family. I know how much you were missing the fur balls. I can't wait to meet my new Granddog. I wonder how cousins Khaki and Trixie are taking to the new addition.

(This comment was moved by MKH from the In This Corner blog during The Great Blog Merge of 2007.)