Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Standing In the Shade of God's Shadow

We're on the Enemy's radar screen. I know it, and Ken knows it. It wasn't until about four weeks ago that we voiced what we were both thinking, and realized, we both knew it. Ironically, it was about two months ago, that I checked out a book by Charles Stanley called "When The Enemy Strikes". I only reached the third chapter, before having to return it back to the library. But it was enough. It is clear that at least in my case, the Enemy wants to steal my joy.

This is a time of weakness for me. I have been unable to attend my Bible studies for six months, and I am isolated with a little baby. The weakness isn't in temptation, but more along the lines of feeling "down" or inviting depression. In the last two months I have watched the helpless little creatures around me get picked off one by one in our household. I have a deep heart for the little guy, and the Enemy knows that he can make me twist in the wind on this. And he's not just striking at the heart of a Mom, he's striking indirectly at my children.

For a month we agonized with Maggie, and watched her pass two weeks ago. During that last week, I didn't post it, but one of my four beautiful giant goldfish that I've had in our front yard pond for 2 years disappeared. Nothing to cry over like a dog, but a noted scratch. And then today, after saying good morning to the family gerbil, Marly, I noticed a giant bloody scent gland tumor. After consulting with the vet, he needs to be euthanized as well.

I cried. More than once. Not as much for the gerbil who's led a good life, but for my children. It was only two weeks ago that we buried our dog, and now I had to tell the kids that we also had to put down their 2 1/2 year old gerbil. Grace said, "After that, we won't have any pets left." And it tore my heart strings to watch that familiar tension in Jack's face as he tried to say something happy while fighting off tears, "I bet Gully (Marly's deceased buddy) will be happy to see Marly again. They'll be wrestling with each other and playing." But I can see it. The wounds that were healing so well have been ripped back open.

During this time, I have been praying for protection over our family, and recently over even extended family, as I have seen the Enemy fan out over us. Ken has been dealing with his own spiritual warfare, in addition to what has been swirling around the home. My prayers have been especially fervent over Ken. I am certain that all of this warfare is over Ken. It was two months ago that he was approached by his mentor on the topic of moving from being a deacon in the church to a possible elder position. Ken's plate was already full to the brim, working 80 hour weeks as his technology company ramps up, but he agreed to consider. And that is when the Enemy decided to strike, adding distractions, upon disappointments, upon pains.

But after a rough two months, and coming to a mutual realization that the Enemy was trying to swoop in over our family, Ken decided to forge ahead despite the work load and "Stick it to him". Tonight we received word that the elders in our church unanimously voted to add Ken to the board of elders. And so it is. And the will of God has prevailed.

I think the whole family is a little beat up and bruised. It has been an emotional battle. But when I take the time to look around me, my joy is renewed. There is a new "closeness" in the house, and more conversation. We pulled together as an army for God. We held our ground. And where we stand, falls the shade of God's long shadow. A reminder of His protection and Holy presence over this house.

1 comment:

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Nana said...

I feel for your losses and for the spiritual warfare that has been trying to knock you down. I am in the process of reading the book "Job" by Chuck Swindall. As you know, Job was also in a spiritual war, but didn't understand why his world had been ripped to pieces and his family, possession and health gone. He wasn't aware that Satan had literally made a deal with God to try to shake Job's integrity. It didn't work. Job resolved to trust God no matter what. His faith was unshakeable even in the absolute worst of times. I applaude you both for throwing up a road block for Satan and forging ahead to where you felt God was leading you. May God send a multitude of blessing on your family. I highly recommend this book. Love, Mom

(This comment was moved by MKH from the In This Corner blog during The Great Blog Merge of 2007.)