Thursday, December 22, 2005

This Is Just Plain Bass-Akwards

Yes. As you may have noticed we are still having our school time everyday. Christmas break? What is that??? I am starting to feel like the odd man out. While Mom is all for a week of vacation, the kids are completely opposed to the idea, requesting school as usual. In complete honesty, I can say that except for a few days during our vacation in Colorado this summer, a mandatory two weeks off before the new school year in August, and four days around Thanksgiving we have had no other breaks.

I have to admit that by abandoning the two week school break I had originally scheduled for Christmas, it has allowed us to catch up for Year 1 readings that have slipped by here and there. So it does appeal to the task list checker in me. However, there just seems to be something inherently wrong with the conversation:

Grace: Mom, when are we going to do school this morning?

Me: (trying to wrap up some advertising and design work before the holidays) As soon as I finish these last few things. Almost there.

Jack: (20 minutes later) MOM...I just want to do school.

Me: Guys, go play for a little while longer. I'll be done soon.

Grace: (5 minutes later) Are you done yet?

Me: WE DO SCHOOL WHEN I'M READY TO DO SCHOOL. WILL YOU TWO GO FIND SOMETHING ELSE TO DO RIGHT NOW!!!! (Sudden wash of guilt over me because I blow up over my kids wanting to do school.)

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