Sunday, December 04, 2005

A Longing for Summer Again?

I'm not sure what triggered the reversion, but the children have suddenly taken up their butterfly studies again. They have been playing The Butterfly Game that we purchased from The North American Butterfly Association for the last three days. And for two days, Jack had the entire Butterfly Fandex (taken apart for better viewing) strewn all over his bedroom. I came in yesterday to find that there was a long trail of butterflies laid out and what appeared to be a pile of discarded butterflies off to the side. When I inquired about the line up, Jack said, those were the butterflies that were beautiful to him.

Unfortunately, the line up was situated right in the pathway between his door and his bed, so the "beautiful" butterflies were starting to look trampled. This evening we took 12 of his beautiful butterfly nominees and placed them on a corkboard, so he could have them displayed for his viewing pleasure in his room. Grace also selected 12 of her favs and we squeezed them between one of those cheap plastic large frames you can purchase for posters. In the midst of the organizing, I caught Grace and Jack laughing that they weren't going to pick the stinky butterfly. When I asked which one was stinky, Grace and Jack immediately identified it as the Common Mormon caterpillar. I couldn't believe they recalled that small tidbit of information, from our Butterfly of the Day moments. These little ones are such giant sponges.

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