Friday, December 09, 2005

The 3rd Annual TGG Christmas Party

As has been the annual Christmas tradition between our two families, Ken and his business partner's family gathered together for an evening of food and cheerful fun. This year, we packed up our gifts and desserts, and headed down to have the event at Jonathan and Rachel's household. Rachel had cooked up a wonderful Turkey meal, and it felt like Thanksgiving all over again. My dessert contribution drove home the Thanksgiving theme as I had accidently grabbed the wrong covered Pyrex from our fridge. Yes folks...imagine my horror when I discovered that I had brought two week leftover Thanksgiving turkey for dessert, rather than cute little cheese cake cups. OIY!!!! Luckily, all was not lost in that I had 5 cheese cake cups and a handful of chocolate pretzels stowed away in smaller Pyrex.

The kids as always got along splendidly and enjoyed the rare company they get to spend together. Ken and Jonathan had their traditional Christmas cigar outside, while the women of the house discussed our homeschooling experiences, organizing households, and babies over coffee. It is hard to believe that a whole three years have past since our two families took a huge leap of faith, going into business together. It has been a hard road, but this Christmas we found ourselves laughing over "Remember when..." stories, with a sense of great promise coming in 2006.

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