Friday, December 16, 2005

Jack Is Taking TaeKwonDo!

Here is our little soon to be student of the martial arts. Today, the entire family headed out on a multi errand mission (shipping packages, haircuts, etc.). On a whim, we checked out a nearby TaeKwonDo location where we met Master Yu. Both children were entreated to a 15 minute personal lesson by Master Yu.

It has been our intention over the last month to enroll Jack in a martial arts class so that he can:

A. Start diverting his head butting aggression in a more formative outlet.

B. Have an activity that is all his own. (Something that he can teach and demonstrate for his sister.)

It was quite hysterical to watch the children be told to shout while they punched, kicked and blocked. At first they were pretty soft spoken and timid, as they probably thought "But we aren't allowed do this sort of thing at home". However, by the end of the lesson, Master Yu had them loosened up, punching their hardest and shouting loudly "TAE! (block) KWON! (punch) DO! (kick) Followed by "YES SIR!".

We both think this will be a good thing for Jack. He'll be in a small class of three to four 4-5 year olds, that meets twice a week. This is also something he and Daddy can do together. Daddy was a black belt in Karate in his youth, and it will be a bond of encouragement the two can share together.

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