Friday, December 23, 2005

Our Collosal Gingerbread House

Look what came in the mail two days ago! Aunt Christy and Uncle Mike sent us a giant (and I mean GIANT) gingerbread house they ordered through Eddie Bauer. Compare our graham cracker house, with this skyscraper!

The children have been hovering around it for the last two days and playing house with all of their little people. They have been so good about not picking, but today, has been MUCH more difficult. So far one frosting tree was extracted and brought to me by Grace. Later it disappeared from its temporary location, and ended up in the mouth of Jack. When questioned about the disappearance and the green line of frosting across his mouth, Jack asked with a sly smirk, "What Christmas tree?".

If they can hold off, the kids have been promised a grand feast after Christmas. They will then be promptly shipped to their aunt and uncle's house for sugar detox.


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