Monday, December 05, 2005

December Date Night

The children have been asking for a lot of special time lately. I'm not sure if it is the extra time cooped up indoors or if they just have a stronger need for attention. We decided to have a Daddy/Daughter and Mommy/Son date night tonight to give the children again something new to talk about with each other (a little individuality), and of course...special time with one parent.

We double dated up to the point of the mall and then split our separate ways for a couple of hours. Dad and Grace opted for cheese pizza, a ride on the indoor carousel, and a rendezvous at the Build A Bear store. This was a first for her, and proved a worthy date choice. Grace filled us all in on each step of the stuffed animal process. She ended up building a large talking giraffe named Que (pronounced Q).

Jack and I had dinner by the light of the mall, over chicken nuggets and cheeseburgers. Jack had also spotted the carousel, so after dinner we hit the carousel, and quickly discovered that Daddy and Grace eat faster....they were already riding the carousel. And then it was off to the children's section in Barnes and Noble where the Thomas the Train table lay waiting expectedly for Jack's attention. Jack had the pleasure of playing trains with two other boys for an hour...rather than his big sister.

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