Monday, October 17, 2005

The Weather Today: Sick and Gorgeous

Boo. I'm sick - enduring the 4th day of a chest cold (compliments of Jack). I'm going it alone - drug free - with baby Faith twirling in the womb. You ever get that feeling of rawness in the brain? You know..when the air just plain hurts your head to breathe as it enters your insides? That's the feeling today. Besides the constant headache, wheezy lungs, manly voice and incessant coughing - the day really is beautiful. Seriously, it is gorgeous outside.

So, to take advantage of a nice day, and learn from past mistakes, the kids are embossing again. This time they are in the garage sitting at old school desks.

I took the morning to freshen up the bottom floor of the house and bake our first batch of wheat bread since we were plum out of bread. The kids love to watch the bread machine mix bread, so they stood nearby to personally assist in assembling the ingredients, and take turns breathing all over the dough as it kneaded. Hmm...and I'm sick because...????

Growing impatient with me and my delay of school, Grace and Jack decided to start school without me. Grace got out the addition flashcards and began testing Jack who hasn't added a day in his life. Thankfully, we got it all done in just over an hour, which was a blessing, as I didn't have much in me today for patience. The kids seemed to know that, showing a strong effort of mercy.

Now I just need to get through the rest of day. Their mercy has ended, and the dishwasher, laundry and dinner prep is still calling my name. Over the din of the chores, the pillow and couch are quietly trying to convince me that laying around the house for the 3rd day would feel much better. Ah..motherhood. When we negotiated our contracts, we all missed that clause regarding "no available sick days".

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