Sunday, October 30, 2005

Training Grace To Ride On Her Own

After our pumpkin fiasco, it seemed like we needed to redeem the day. With Grace turning 6 in one week, and a beautiful day outside, I decided it was time. Time for Grace to cross a rite of passage. We all remember the day...the day we first rode our bikes without training wheels. That day is engraved in each of our memories, and I was determined to replace the failed pumpkin memory with something triumphant.

Off came the training wheels, and out came the encouraging speeches of "When I was your age..." Grace was all for the idea, approaching it with great courage and determination. Dad came out to assist and be the running man, and we all headed out together to offer Grace our support and coaching. Of all the days to have the digital camera charging!!!

After 15 minutes, Grace was braving the road on her own, telling US to "Let go!". Her confidence took my breath away. Let go? Already??? What had I done?

Big tug on my heart strings: This was the first time she had ever asked us to let her go as she plunged ahead into uncertainty. She's growing up so fast! I don't know if my heart can keep up with the letting go.

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