Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Knight

Halloween was really fun this year with two kids that could walk long distances. This was the first year that the kids went out for a run, came back with filled pumpkins, and headed out for a second time in the opposite direction to obtain more loot. Grace went as a Pixie (see additional Pixie post), and Jack went as...well...we called it an angry pumpkin knight.

There is a bit of a story behind Jack's costume. I was happy to get him at least partially valiant at the end of it all. While on our costume trip to Wal-mart all he seemed to want to go as was a princess. OIY!!! The child needs a brother!!! Spiderman was rejected. So was Superman. I was desperate.

When I turned around and found Jack with this pumpkin mask on and a giant rubber rat in him arms I seized the day. Angry pumpkin equated to more masculinity than princess garb. I finally spotted a decent knight set, and tried to redirect his interest to being a knight, but he was stuck on angry pumpkin mask. I grabbed both, returned home and told Dad we needed to give him a whole lot of positive reinforcement with the knight and pumpkin costume. Tell him how tough and strong he looked in the knight outfit. Jack ate up the praise, but the pumpkin mask was not getting discarded. So...a compromise - angry pumpkin knight.

The quote of the night was made by the knight, after walking a good distance: "I sure am on a long journey." How knightly.

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