Saturday, February 25, 2006

Jack Earned His Yellow Tae Kwon Do Belt!!!

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Jack who earned his yellow belt today! This was Jack's first experience with testing in Tae Kwon Do, and for a very young four year old, it was almost a rite of passage. He has had such a strong desire to change rank from a white belt to a yellow belt.

This was not easy stuff folks. To pass, Jack was required to display four different forms (a series of moves connected together), one of which required breaking a wooden board with his foot. Yes. My boy broke a board with his foot!!! He also had to provide a written essay on what he likes most about the sport. We are so proud of him, and how he held himself. The entire testing for all individuals took an exhausting 3 1/2 hours from start to finish.


Anonymous said...

A big Tae Kwon Do "high five" to my favorite grandson on his accomplishment in earning a yellow belt. He will learn discipline and self-control (except when pushing Faith's stroller into the curb), and a sense of pride each time he earns the next belt. I think it is wonderful that he has something just for himself. Way to go Jack!!

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Hi Nana,

Jack was thrilled to get fan mail. He had me read it to him three times, and begged to hear it a fourth. He thanks you for your support.


Mama & Jack