Friday, February 24, 2006


In one word that is how I would describe my hairstyle as a mommy who desperately needs a haircut and can't seem to find time to blow her hair dry anymore. Do they have a great hair style out there for drip-dryers? A shower and some face on is about as far as I get anymore. Sometimes by late noon I have a chance to half wet it down and try to style.

It's bad. Real bad. Even my daughter said something to me late in the afternoon the other day, " forgot to do your hair today. It is still all over the place." I did it, I just didn't "DO" it. I wish I was one of those chicks who looked good wearing a baseball cap, but I look like a dork.

Worse is I'm trying to grow it out, as my husband asked me months ago,(in so many hint words) when I was going to grow it out again. I almost burst into tears as I explained that as a Mom, it felt good to at least know that it was styled nice since I could get it dry quick, even if it wasn't the most feminine of styles. (it was a bad day).

Also it never fails... I'll grow my hair out, end up usually having to do the standard pony tail or banana clip and then Ken will stumble upon a picture of me with my hair short and mention how much he liked my hair --- after I had just spent the last two years growing it out! I'll get it chopped, and then a few months later he'll find an unusual photo of me with fresh highlights, and long styled locks, and compliment sweetly, "You look nice in this picture." I've fallen for this full cycle twice in our marriage, which is about right with hair growth...10 years.

Truth is...I'm just as fickle about hair, but lately I'd love to keep it short. However, something in the back of my mind won't let myself as I know my husband has tolerated "short" long enough. So my head looks like a frump fest, and even my children notice. Honestly, this style is starting to look tempting:
Baby blues?? Not a bit. Hair blues? YES. YES. YES.
Cause unfortunately, HAIR DOES MATTER.


Mama Knucker Hatch said...

S. said...

It's hard to pull off the bald look, rat tail or no....

I struggle with this with my husband as well. He loves short SHORT hair, the kind that needs a visit to the salon once a month. I prefer it long so I can just put it up in a ponytail. I am so not a girly girl and I hate to mess with my hair.

No advice at all, just that I hear ya... My hair is awful right now too. I'm growing it out (for the zillionith time) after getting it cut very short in August. It looks awful. I'm ashamed to be seen with myself. Luckily my kids aren't old enough to say anything. ;-)

(Comment moved by MKH during the In This Corner blog merge.)

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

blestwithsons said...

Hey -I always say... never underestimate the power of a woman's haircut. Is there anything that can so quickly affect our mood? Sad but true. Hey - just ask Samson - hair is powerful stuff!!!

I'm getting mine cut tomorrow - woo hoo!

(Comment moved by MKH during the In This Corner blog merge.)