Monday, February 06, 2006

Are We All Lying To Our Pediatricians?

After two days of fitful nights on her back, Faith is sleeping on her belly. Just like her brother. Just like her older sister. Despite all of the SIDS warnings, and incessant warnings from the pediatricians, my babies sleep on their bellies. There is no doubt in my mind that they sleep much better, and have less tummy trouble at night when they lay on their stomachs. Ever tried to do a poop laying on your back? Not sure why, but it just seems like it would be easier with your knees tucked in under your belly on your stomach.

While speaking to a friend on the phone the other day, I cringed as I admitted that Faith was now sleeping on her belly. It is such a taboo thing to do now. To my wild surprise, she chimed right in with, "All four of my babies slept on their bellies." And then she proceeded to inform me of the big secret among mothers. Many of us still place our newborn babies on their bellies. We just don't tell anyone.

I thought I was the black sheep!!?? What was this new news? She started naming this mother and that mother from church that had consoled her own guilty conscience awhile ago with their own confessions. She then made a very profound statement, hedging a bet that a large number of us are lying to our pediatricians about how our infants sleep.

I wonder.

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