Monday, February 06, 2006

We've Gone Dark Again

Well, after last night's XL Superbowl, we're finished with television viewing. Again. Ken cancelled our connection. No more TV until the football season starts back up in September. As some of you know, we gave up TV last year around Easter. It was one of the best deliberate decisions we have made as a family. When the football season started up, I tried to watch it through a snowy TV screen, but it drove me crazy, and I didn't feel like watching the games. Ken decided to get us hooked up just for the football season, so we could enjoy our Sunday afternoons together.

Naturally, we found ourselves watching much more than football. However, we have been a lot less hooked on TV and repetitive 24 hour news after being away from it for half a year. Nonetheless, it is still hard to give it up again. The Olympics are coming...sheesh. A week of withdrawal, grumpy lost boredom, and we should all be acclimated.

Sneaking in some last minute bull riding TV time last weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this picture the best!