Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Thanks for the Head Butt Jack!

This is what happens when your brother crashes into your mouth with his head. We have now dislodged the second of 6 loose teeth. Grace's permanent tooth is already pushing through the gum. (Crooked of course).

Both Mom and Dad fell asleep on the job of tooth fairy with this last tooth. Poor Grace came into our room early on Sunday morning heartbroken that the tooth fairy hadn't picked up her tooth. In half stuper, half panic, I told Grace that tooth fairies don't work on Sundays -- they follow the same schedule as our postman. Thank God it landed on a Sunday or I don't know what my excuse would have been! That seemed like a good enough reason for Grace.

Grace's first tooth earned her a $5.00, of which Mama had to beg Daddy to allow in the name of "uniqueness". (We didn't have a $2 or a half dollar). The second tooth earned Grace four different state quarters.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grace you are looking too cute. Think of the upside of losing two front teeth. It makes a great hole for a straw.
As far as the tooth fairy goes, please to aware that not only don't they work on Sunday, according to their union contract, they get double over-time if they work the holidays. My the price of a tooth sure went up since I was a kid. Consider yourself sprinkled with fairy dust and very lucky. Does that mean that Faith gets $5 when she gets her first tooth?