Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Faith News Watch: Our First Doctor Visit

It is official: Faith is the picture of perfect health.

We went to our first doctor's visit and all her measurements showed substantial growth. In her first two weeks of life she's added more than an entire pound to her birth weight (now 8 lbs. 9 oz.), grown a full inch (now 21 1/2") and it's no surprise that her head has also gotten bigger as a result of all of compliments that fly in her direction.

Faith a little over a week old starting to show the "porker" look.

Faith also managed to baptize myself and the entire room in a bucket full of whizz before I could get her diaper back on her after laying on the cold scale. She might have lost a full 4 oz. if we had placed her back on the scale.

I usually walk away from those first few baby appointments feeling like a lousy Mom. I'm not sure what it is really. Maybe hormones. Sometimes I feel like the doctors are looking right through me, or as if I don't have a clue as to what I am doing. And I was really bracing for it this time, as he had opted against giving Faith her Hept-B shot at the hospital, until she had a better edge on life.

But this appointment went so well. The doctors and the nurses were very considerate, Faith had a stellar report, and the kids were both well behaved. Maybe after you've had your third child there is a silent "you've earned it" factor.

Oh yes...and for anyone wondering...

When the nurse got to the check box where she asks, "And baby sleeps on her back?", yes, I must confess, I lied.

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