Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What Color Is Your Blood?

Driving home from gymnastics today, the children and I had an interesting discussion. Grace started the topic by asking me an off the wall question about blood. (I believe the wheels were turning around the topic of blood since Grace had picked out an excellent library book on bats yesterday, and happened to find a page on vampire bats).

Grace: "Mom? Do flies have blood?"

Me thinking to myself: Oh geez. I can't seem to remember a thing from my zoology class in college. I wonder how much that class alone cost my poor parents? (Quick rationale: There are blood sucking flies right? Wait...that's digestive...not circulatory...OH, GO WITH IT.)

Me to Grace: "Sure hun...probably a little."

Grace: "Caterpillars have blood, it is just a different color like yellow."

***Pregnant pause of deep thought interrupted by the mind of a four year old.***

Jack: "Do angels have pink blood?"

For some reason...I follow the logic. This entire discussion was then followed by a lesson in why we need blood, and what blood does. (I felt a bit more redeemed on the cost of college classes after that). Which spurred another discussion on how important not only oxygen is to our bodies, but also water.

BTW, in case you are wondering...after a little research, I now can say with confidence that insects DO have blood, but the blood is not used to carry oxygen. Instead, insect cells receive their oxygen through other means.

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