Sunday, November 27, 2005

The Tale of Despereaux

When picking free reading chapter books for Grace and I to read, I tend to pick the books which had a lasting impression on me as a child. I find myself steering away from recent releases as I don't have time to pre-read our selections. Overall our experience has been safe...with one or two exceptions.

Grace and I had just finished two books about a mouse named Poppy that had a bit of questionable content despite the reasonably good read. But when I saw this on the library shelf, I couldn't resist, hoping that the Newbery Medal Award I saw shining on the book cover was a promising sign. I'm so glad I did. Grace and I are in love with an adorable mouse (Despereaux) who is in love with a Princess. To date, the book has been lovely, and a great read, that has had both Grace and I laughing. If the book continues on this pace, it is sure to be a classic in our family. Judging from the reviews on Amazon, it will be.

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