Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Free Ranging The Chooks

I was trying to stay away from another chicken post, but after I wasted a blog day and didn't post, I figured what's the harm in using a wasted day and posting a few more chicken pictures in its non-existent place? The girls and roo are getting really plump and fancy. Lately, I've taken my chances since we are not even close to building a chicken tractor, and I've let them soak up the shade and sun ungaurded. It is clear that chickens were never meant to be cooped up, as they all pile up at the door clucking in jubilee and hysterics when they know they are going to get outside time. The barnyard looks much more lively and festive with colorful chickens scratching it up.

Most of the girls have names including: Sandy, Alice, Penny, Ms. Delaware, Ginger, Leopard Head or Fuzzy, Zebra, and Scooter. The Silkies still don't have a name that sticks, but I'm quite fond of naming the female "Daisy" and the rooster "Duke". Our barn cat has a new favorite place to lay out: on top of the screened in ceiling of the chicken coop. She's also unfortunately discovered a new extreme sport, and has been caught on one occasion hunting down giant chickens. Our faithful dog, Hatch, has also been quick to get involved in the X Games scaring the absolute tar out of cats who chase down beloved chickens. The whole crew had us rolling in the dirt in laughter this week.

The silkie chickens are looking more and more each day like their distant cousin Elvis. "Duke" The Rooster is growing his wattles and comb, and starting to play more the part of a man, keeping a strong eye out for anything that resembles a hawk in flight (big birds, helicopters and airplanes). So far, "Duke" is a mute.

"Daisy" is our most delicate flower. She's always the last to get anywhere, more than shy and skittish. This, of course has me worried, as it is clear she would be the first to be nabbed by any lurking danger. Especially when she can barely see through her growing coif of feathers, But she is gorgeous. (If you can say that about a chicken.)


Anonymous said...

The kids were very interested in your chickens and think your silkies look like tennis balls. They were tickled to hear the names "Fuzzy" and "Scooter." May we invite ourselves over for a field trip sometime before Hope arrives? We'll bring lunch! :-)

Family W said...

They're so cute! When we were back in NC we went to see an exotic pets exhibit in Raleigh. There was a guy there, called 'The Chicken Man' of all things, and he had chickens that looked just like the ones you have in these last photos. Only, he had his riding on skateboards and remote controlled toy trucks! They didn't look like they minded it much. :)

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Katy: We'd love to have you guys over soon. I know you all have been feeling under the weather, but when everyone feels up to chicken chasing again, let's pick a cool day and enjoy a day off together.

Lynn Chickens riding on skateboards!? I think I'll keep that info to myself. I could just see my kids trying to see which chicken could stay on a skateboard downhill the longest. :)

Hilda Rebecca said...

Love your chickens, so pretty! Your pics on the sidebar of the children are so adorable... love the Princess of you scrap?

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Hi Hilda!

Thanks for stopping by our blog. You know, I have never scrapbooked, but I love so many things about it...the pretty paper, cute little doo-dads and stickers. For some reason, I never jump into it. Honestly, I think it is a perfectionism hang up. I probably fear that I would obsess over each page for hours and still not be happy with it. This was my main purpose for taking up blogging years ago. Everything stays neat and tidy, I stick with it, and I don't have to look at my awful handwriting! But I do LOVE all of those pretty papers.