Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ween Bean Goes To College

Right before my computer met its temporary demise from milk and cheerios, our family went on a very important trip back to Missouri. It was one of those, "This is the last time..." trips. My little sister, the baby of four, graduated from high school. I am the oldest. She is the youngest. With two meat heads in between. There is a fifteen year spread between us, and I still remember her birth like it was yesterday. Mom and Dad offered me the opportunity to take part in the moment of her arrival. The experience was unforgettable. Sarah was a dream come true for a firstborn with two younger brothers. I had a baby sister.

Sarah brings an incredible youthful joy to our family that has all too quickly grown up. She is a gift of spunk. And I think all of her siblings would agree, that the good Lord, saved the best for last. She's beautiful. She's brilliant. She's the girl in high school that had a tight circle of friends, wore the trendiest clothes, was the football team's manager, had to-die-for hair, a knock out smile, an above 4.0 average, and was friendly to everyone. That's my sister.

It was hard to believe my eyes when I watched her walk across the stage to accept her diploma. The world suddenly went into slow motion while my brothers and I hooted and hollered her family nickname, "Go Ween Bean!!!". It feels like yesterday that we were snuggled under the covers of your four poster bed reading your first chapter book..."The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe".

Probably one of the more difficult things I've had to do as a young adult, was leave my baby sister behind to head off to college. And after college, I was leaving a little six year old to get married and soon move across the country. I know that siblings need to move forward with their lives, but I'm not sure I've ever gotten over the guilt of leaving and feeling like I missed out on the sisterhood experiences and a little life that I had wished so hard for.

One by one, all of us left for the big world, and Sarah took on the "only child" status. But now it is her turn to leave the Missouri nest. And I couldn't be happier, as she has chosen to fly south for college. Tonight she is actually catching a wink or two in my house before moving into her dorm room. She's moving HERE. To Georgia. Almost four kiddos, and fifteen more years later, our paths are crossing again. For a moment in time, the distance between me and her will be short again. And it will be me that is benched, while she comes and goes. But I've got a second chance on sisterhood. I'll take it, and hope it takes her the new standard of five years to graduate.

Congratulations again Ween you're going to be 'All That' AND 'Southern'. Good luck with Rush more thing I never, ever, could have done.


Family W said...

What a great pic with you and your family. Congratulations to Sarah! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi. I hopped over here from Lynn's blog.

This is such a sweet post!

In my case, I am the "baby girl." My sisters are 13 and 12 years older than me. One is 2000 miles away and the other one is across the seas! Ours will surely be a sweet reunion someday!

Nice pix, btw!