Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Checking In On Hope

It's official. I have just about two months of pressure cooking left for our fourth baby. And that is including the allowance they'll give me beyond my due date before we need to make induction arrangements. Which we WILL end up doing. Oh me of little faith.

As of my doctor visit today, I've gained a whopping 30+ pounds (which is right on target for me and my pack-on-the-weight pregnancies). I've learned not to freak out over the weight gain though, as nursing requires every inch of that extra weight for energy and reserves. It always amazes me how smart our bodies are. We know exactly what we need months before we even need it.

Hope is growing out and forward in similar formation to her sister Faith. We might have another petite baby pea coming. She is beginning to make her presence much more noticed with an increase in movement, kicks and hiccups. The old ribs at the top of the "Sphere of Life" are quite sore by days end. Hope is facing down and I'm measuring right where I should be. In short, all is well. And I am very thankful that this pregnancy has gone so smoothly in the midst of the chaos of moving around us. I'm only now starting to feel some pain and pressure in the pelvis which is a blessing, considering it came at around four months with Faith.

I'm getting very excited over meeting our newest member of the family soon. One more arrow! Now if I could just talk to someone about the excruciating heat index around here. I've held my tongue and endured this convection oven for weeks. I'm already cooking from the inside out, do I really need to be cooking from the outside in too?


Family W said...

Oh I know how you feel! My first baby was born in the first part of September, so needless to say August for me that year was a miserable one! As for nursing, it didn't help me with the weight. I know it does for a lot of women, but not for me. Just my luck! :)

K. Reyes said...

Ah yes, the not-so-blissful-summer-prego temps. Irony of it is that just when baby comes it will finally cool down for you:) I think God would have been good to design a personal air conditioning system along with our pressure cooking capabilities, but maybe He DID in the garden of eden and we no longer have it due to that darn apple. Oh well, hang in there my dear! You are doing great- can't wait to see little Hope's face appear on your blog! Love her name too! There is a serious baby boom in this world these days and I am feeling a little left out...I think I am catching the baby bug:) Ooh, speaking of which check out my blog to see Katherine's new baby- such a cutie!