Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Thinking Outside Of The Box

The puzzle box - that is. In preparation for this term, I was trying to think of another activity we could do besides our Memory and I Spy games that we create. It just happens, that there are a number of challenging Renoir puzzles out there. What better way to study color, brush strokes, and get down and dirty with a painting then to work on a 500 piece puzzle??

So that is what we are doing. It will take a while, but since I'm a puzzle lover myself, it is something we can all do and relax. And it doesn't "feel" like learning.

500 Small pieces is a big jump from our 100 piece puzzles, so I'm trying to take it one step at a time with the kids (mostly Grace is the participant). We purchased one of those large plastic craft sorting boxes, and spent this morning over breakfast, sorting out the obvious colors into compartments, as well as sorting out the edge pieces. This has made things much more manageable - and it is also nicely contained.

Below are links to the two puzzles we purchased for $6.95 each this term:

On The Terrace
Young Girls at The Piano

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