Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Sleeping Artist In Me - Strikes Back

Grace and I hit Hobby Lobby this evening to prepare for the new term with new art supplies. I could feel it coming as soon as I started walking down the aisles lined with sketch pads and art mediums. It has been so long since I have pulled out my own pencils, pens, and a sketchbook, but I found myself longing to show Grace what beautiful mediums lie beyond coloring crayons, tempera paints, crayola watercolors, and colored pencils.

Before I knew it, I had filled the cart with "REAL" watercolors, the brilliant colors of oil pastels, soft pastels, charcoal pencils, kneaded erasers, sketch books and watercolor paper. I can still recall how oil pastels in 6th grade opened a whole new world for me, and sent me on a long journey up through part of college continuing toward an art profession.

When we got home, Grace tried out her new sidewalk chalk for a few minutes, and then came over to my chair to watching intently as I explored through the various mediums. The rule over the last two weeks has been that they are not allowed to open anything for next term until Monday...but I let her have just a taste on a junkmail envelope with oil and soft pastels. It was worth it.

There are few things more fulfilling then watching one of your children have the same "Oh MY!" moment over something you had 20 years ago. It is going to take all my willpower to not allow her to try the different mediums out more tomorrow. I know she'll ask 10 times.

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