Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'm So Tired.

I know this is horrible of me to blog about, just coming off of a vacation and all, but it is so true. Truth is, nursing gets to be very hard on my body at about five months. I remember feeling like a walking skeleton after 8 months of nursing Grace. I'm a few pounds shy of my pre-pregnancy weight, and while this is great news in some respects, I can feel my body beginning the desperate search for reserves. And then there are the hot flashes, and the loss of hair in biblical drain clogging proportions as my body goes through pregnancy withdrawal.

This past week, I feel like I have aged by 10 years. It is the hardest it has ever been for me to wake up and start the day. As soon as my feet hit the ground they feel like they have been walking all night. My shoulders ache and my eyes refuse to let the light in. Meanwhile, Faith is ready to hit the ground running with her toothless grin, and froggy kick. God bless her.

This past week, Faith has decided to be an early riser, speedy napper, and a night owl. It is nine by the time she feels like turning in. And I am SO SPENT! Faith, is still waking up for at least one night time feeding, which isn't helping the recouping, but her smile certainly helps to ease getting through the morning sludge.

I'm trying to keep things in perspective knowing that 5-8 months is the hardest haul for me physically with childrearing. It won't always be like this. I'm passing the time this week daydreaming about starting my little girl on solids soon. And as if I'm not already crazy enough, I'm leaning toward making my own baby food for the first time. I must be nuts.

I guess the only other thing I need to start doing to be in the same place as the "far righters" and ironically the "far lefters" is begin cloth diapering. Don't hold your breath...
I can still remember the stomach turning smell of the diaper pail in the nursery from my childhood. (Nothing can undo that horrible olfactory memory ingrained in my brain cells.) I'll stop at the homemade baby food, thank you very much. That's as gran-nutty as I get.


Mama Knucker Hatch said...

S. said...

I've been reminding myself a lot too recently that the worst is almost over. Hard to keep in perspective when you have three little ones sapping everything, but it's true. One day soon it's going to be, if not easy, at least do-able. Enjoyable, even.

This comment was moved by MKH from the In This Corner blog during The Great Blog Merge of 2007.

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Journey Mama said...

Oh, it's sad and good to read someone else's post about how tired they are. Everytime I sit down to write I remind myself that probably everyone doesn't want to be reminded about how exhausted I am. I'm so sorry about your dog. That must wear on you too.

This comment was moved by MKH from the In This Corner blog during The Great Blog Merge of 2007.