Monday, June 26, 2006

What A Good Man Does

I could kiss the ground he walks on right now. Always could, but this week, takes the cake. What a good man does for his homeschooling wife is give her more closet space!! My wonderful husband could have been doing so many other things this weekend, but instead he spent two days going to three Home Depot stores, buying and putting together organizers in the two closets we have in the school room. He even retouched up the paint on the walls. My hero.

I never knew how excited I could be over organized closet space. For the last 6 months I have been feeling so defeated about trying to organize the room as we dive deeper into our studies. Half the problem is that it is also our playroom, but it needs to be since there are no other options. And after each term there is just more stuff. When I felt like I couldn't take the disaster zone anymore, I'd go on a cleaning binge but always get only so far before getting stuck with where to get things to go. It is true we need to do a Goodwill run, but much of the new stuff is school related -- microscope, slides, butterfly spreader, resin molds, music and art supplies, lots of books.

So I have a toy closet AND a school closet. Today will hopefully be the last day of putting things away, and then I promise pictures. Thank you sweetie!!!!

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