Wednesday, June 07, 2006

When Things Were Simple

I was going through some pictures tonight and this one made me smile and my heart ache. That's me. My grandfather's on my right, and my grandmother is on my left. I was their first grandchild. We all look so happy. And tan.

Faith is just entering the stage where she tries to grab your nose and take it off for a closer look. But I still have the silver bells on the shoes to look forward to.

Right now I feel baptized in molasses with motherhood. I can't even begin to imagine grandmotherhood. What is it like to hold the child of your child? It must be incredible.

I really miss her.

1 comment:

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

footprints1107 said...

Holding the child of your child is an incredible feeling, that I'm not sure I can find a word for it. It is just a feeling, that can't be described until it's felt. I admire you for recognizing and giving value to the extended family. Your parents and your husbands parents are very blessed indeed.

This comment was moved by MKH from the In This Corner blog during The Great Blog Merge of 2007.