Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Instink Quote

Scene: The family is outside enjoying a gorgeous blue sky day. Hatch sits in front of the family with his nose to the wind sniffing studiously the 1001 smells dogs can smell in the air.

Grace observes: "Hatch is smelling his instink."


Grace asks: "Mom? What's an instink?"

Mom proceeds to correct her child on the pronunciation of instinct, explains that it cannot be smelled, and defines to the best of her abilities the pull of instinct. Mom thinks instink has a lot of potential though, and would like to hear your definition of "Instink"...


K. Reyes said...

Hmmm...Instink...wasn't that the name of that one boy band?? :-)

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Instink: The phenomenon of a food tasting like what another thing smells like.

Used in a sentence: When I was younger, I loved the smell of coffee but the taste of coffee had the instink of cigarette ashes. Now that I have no choice but to drink coffee in order to survive in the morning I drown out the instink of coffee with a cup of flavored creamer.

Love the boy band definition. :)