Thursday, April 05, 2007


After almost eleven years of marriage, Tom Builder still surprises me with his sweet side. Yesterday, Mr. Incredible learned despite the flyers sent home with gobs of children, the Children's Ministry had received only 100 stuffed eggs for two services of Easter egg hunts. The expected head count of eager Easter egg hunting children: 100.


I will admit that we were as guilty as the next family for not bringing in our one dozen candy filled eggs. (In keeping with my tradition of procrastination, I tend to bring in the eggs the day of the easter egg hunt, hoping to get them there in time for the second service hunt. Not very helpful.)

But Tom Builder decided to change things, after hearing of the meager pickins' from our very round and pregnant Children's Minister, and discovering that she would be the one spending an evening stuffing eggs to make up for the lack of participation. He came home from Walmart yesterday afternoon with garbage bags full of eggs and candy.

Seven hundred plastic eggs to be exact.

So last night, the Knucker Hatches sat on the floor filling eggs full of jelly beans, Starbursts, Skittles, and anything else that would fit. (As three of us popped goodies into our mouths.) We filled the equivalent of about two laundry baskets.

What I haven't told you, is that Tom Builder had decided to fast for the entire day. And candy is a very close friend of mine and Tom Builder. (We make runs to the gas station down the street at 10:00pm for bags of candy.) He grocery shopped and filled seven hundred eggs full of sweets on an empty rumbling stomach.

That's my Tom Builder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In case Tom Builder needs some additional encouragement ... let me say, "WOW!"

And? I feel so guilty. Because I TO have yet to fill my 36 easter eggs for our SATURDAY easter egg hunt at church.