Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Release The Chickens!!!

...Because Faith has just turned 1/4 of a year old. She's really turning into a beautiful little girl. (Not that she wasn't already, but her personality is catching up with her cuteness). She's experimenting with her voice and every once in awhile she surprises herself with a little shriek of glee.

The last week has brought huge milestones including her ability to grasp and mouth a few of her toys. She's also found strong interest in the wide world of textiles. Faith will try with great effort to touch any type of clothing and study it intensely. The world in full color has brought on a whole new level of entertainment and distractions. Her highness misses nothing, and this makes it difficult to nurse when there is a swarm of children around the rocker. Faith continues to strive for a new family record for earliest walker - her feet are always in motion, and her favorite position is at a full stand. And those long sweet conversations during meal times with Mama are absolutely priceless folks!

Faith follows us with her eyes around the room and expresses her excitement as we approach her with a super duper happy feet dance. The children still love on her daily, and their hard work is returned with an abundances of smiles and coos. And at the end of the day, Daddy has that special something, when Mommy's bag of tricks either get boring or run out. Daddy can turn those frowns upside down, and Faith is at peace again in those big protective Papa arms.

Happy 1/4 Birthday Sweet Pea!
How precious you are to us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a little late, but
Happy 1/4 year Birthday to the "sweetest pea in the pod"! You are really changing and I agree with your Mama. You are getting cuter by the minute.