Monday, May 22, 2006

Dealing With Fall Out

And the fall out continues! These teeth just keep coming out. The tooth fairy is doing double time. This picture is minutes after Grace yanked out the other front tooth (still a bit bloody). I would shown some other close ups, but all the blood was a bit too disturbing. She really worked on this one.

Grace continues to inquire about the Tooth Fairy. Her friends have clued her into another reality. She's explained that the Tooth Fairy couldn't possibly have all of that money to give away without holding a job. My rebuttal was that being the Tooth Fairy IS her job. It didn't go over. At this point, we have a light hearted game we play where I never admit the truth, and she smiles and says, "MOM!".

I did have a little fun this last time, and said that once you don't believe in the Tooth Fairy, she stops her delivery service. Grace thought about this for a moment, and decided, it was worth believing in the Tooth Fairy just a little longer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


When my teeth start falling out, will the tooth fairy leave me some of her stash too??

Gracie you made a wise choice. You better start replacing some of those teeth or when Faith starts eating baby food, you will be competing for the strained carrots!