Friday, May 19, 2006

I Hope They Have Mirrors Up There

Tonight, before our prayers, Grace asked me what a soul was. Ever tried explaining that to a six year old?? That's a tough one.

She knows about Christ coming back again. She knows where those who believe in Christ go. She knows Jesus will be waiting to take her home because she loves him. She even knows that one day she will receive a beautiful new body. But trying to understand how a soul leaves the body behind and that which we cannot hold in our hands is what will go to be with Jesus...that take some explaining.

Naturally, Grace thought it would be her brain that went up to heaven. But after some fumbling over explaining just what a soul is without using big adult words, she seemed to be satisfied with my answer. I always get excited reminding her of that amazing new body we will one day be given. And she always feeds on that excitement as her mind tries to imagine just what kind of new body she'll recieve.

Tonight, her eyes twinkled as she said, "I hope they have a mirror up there because I want to see what I look like with my new body." I don't know what is more funny, me assuming that there would be mirrors up there, or her hoping for one.

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