To avoid confrontation with the doctor, I lied through my teeth that baby was sleeping on her back. Do you know what she told me? "Good. Well make sure that baby gets lots of tummy time because we have been getting a lot of flat heads." Wow. What a selling point for putting your baby to bed on her back! On that high point, I'll continue to stick with my original theory that God didn't make a mistake when he opted out of stamping written instructions on each baby's belly that said, "This side up." If there is one feature we all agree on with Hope, it is that she was born with the cutest little cue ball head. I'd prefer to avoid the nickname of Helmet Hope.
Just a note: I jest lightly about head shape and helmets, but plagiocephaly can be very serious for those parents and babies who are in the middle of the issue. I don't want to get on my soap box, but in 1999, 1 in 60 babies in the USA had plagiocephaly, an increase from 1 in 300 in 1992. The increase is believed to be a direct result of the Back to Sleep program instated to increase awareness and prevent SIDS. While the program has been deemed successful, one has to wonder if, as in almost everything, moderation is the key.
I am enjoying your posts on how you all are settling in with the new baby. I have to admit, all six of mine have slept on their bellies. Never had a bit of problems with SIDS or with flat head issues. Of course they have all done the other dreaded dead of sleeping with mommy and daddy when babies. Its just so much easier on the nursing mother when you can lay down in bed and nurse them while you sleep!
My doc is a little more diplomatic; he gives polite reminders: "Now you know the Academy of Peds recommends your baby sleep on her back, right?" "Yeah, yeah, I know!" I've told our friend who is a pediatrician to choose my doc's diplomatic way because 95% of moms are lying to him anyway. He doesn't believe me...but then he doesn't have any children, especially not a colicky little Michael, er, baby that woke up every 10 minutes until he was on his belly!
My babies were on their bellies as soon as we left the hospital!
And I'll say it again.... she is absolutely beautiful! :)
She is definately a "10" on the cuteness scale. All of my kids were on their bellies to sleep and as I mentioned to you, you were often found sleeping nose down. I think you were afraid that cute button nose would start to grow.
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