Thursday, September 06, 2007

Little Surfer Girl or Nina

I'm not sure what seems more out of place: A 1 1/2 year old surfing like a professional on the Internet, or a laptop computer at a kid table in the playroom. I caught Faithy browsing through the chicken forum, scrolling and clicking away this afternoon.

I don't normally do my Internet surfing in the playroom, but we've been trying out our first week of Latin Spanish using Rosetta Stone (we bit the bullet). The entire family has committed to learning Latin Spanish together to justify the cost of the software. Mommy and Daddy too! I'm a five years of French girl, so after three weeks of trying to stay a day ahead of the kids on Spanish for school, I threw up my hands and took the Rosetta Stone plunge. Has anyone else out there used this program successfully in their homeschooling endeavors?


Anonymous said...

Aren't kids these days supposed to be more computer-savvy than their ol' mom and dad?!

You'll have to let me know about Rosetta Stone--I haven't been able to bite the bullet with that one yet. Is it worth the $300?

Kate said...

For Katy who hasn't bit the bullet yet- A lot of libraries have Rosetta Stone on their website and offer it free to anyone who has a card with them. Some libraries will offer you web access cards no matter where you live. Someone just mentioned one recently on another blog, the Chattanooga library in Tennessee will let you have electronic access no matter where you live.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kate, I'll check it out!!

Family W said...

I have considered Rosetta Stone in times past. But, my husband, just this past week actually spoke with a private tutor....that is willing to come to OUR house! Yippeeeee!! One less place I have to travel, and one less subject I have to teach!! And better than that, he's affordable! --Thank you God. :)

Family W said...

oh! I forgot to mention how adorable that picture is. :) She looks like she knows exactly what she's doing!

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

I'm going to feel like a complete goober if I could have done this for free. I will say that the Homeschooling edition, which we purchased, comes with workbooks, tests, and numerous study guides, as well as an online system for keeping track of each individual in the program. We are discovering that it is extremely comprehensive, and we have barely put a dent in the first Unit.

I agree that if you have the opportunity to get a personal private tutor come to the house, you've got a special thing going. We have that for piano lessons with Grace, and it is SO nice not to have to go somewhere. BTW, Jack just started his first piano lesson on Friday. He's my music man. He completed his 14 pages of homework as soon as his teacher left, he was so excited. How cute is that?

Anonymous said...

That is so neat about the piano lessons. We live in Dekalb county and Rosetta Stone is available for free through the library system. I bet that is the same for Gwinnett county. Like someone said above, I think you can pay a fee to access Rosetta Stone from other systems if Gwinett doesn't have it. Mary Brooke in Atlanta

We started our first week of Kindergarten (with our oldest and his 3 year old brother). Our routine hasn't changed much, but we started FIAR and are gently doing AO's composer/artist study!

Family W said...

That's awesome! Good for him! :) We had a piano teacher that came to the house back in NC. You're so is sooooooo nice!! I was hoping to have that here too, but so far I haven't found a teacher that travels. Oh well, I know I'm spoiled. But, I'll get over it. :)