Saturday, September 22, 2007

Down For The Count

How can one man look so stinkin' cute and at the same time have a 100+ fever? After a grueling week of travel and late nights, all of the loss of sleep caught up with my Tom Builder in a matter of an hour last night. Freezing to death, the man donned his "sick-wear" garb which includes: long underwear, fleece sweatsuit, tundra Russian mafia hat (stocking cap was MIA), and a carnival assortment of blankets.

Is he not absolutely adorable? And still smiling, even after my sister (who is staying in town for the weekend) and I had a good laugh at his expense urging him on to make Russian mafia/gang signs. Tom Builder doesn't reduce to a babied ball of mush when he's sick...he's still tough as nails...but he's sure fun to love on in such an Arctic state.


Hanley Family said...

Hope he's feeling better soon. My hubby likes to dress like that when he is sick, too!

Mama Knucker Hatch said...

Thanks Dana! He's feeling much better now. I saw him only for a total of 30 minutes the following day. He slept for 22 out of the next 24 hours. Only a man can do that.

Thanks for dropping by our blog!

Family W said...

well I'm a lot behind on my blogging, but I hope he's feeling better now. :)