Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Leg To Stand On

After spending two weeks in a half leg cast, Faith had her check up today. In the last week, she had committed to hobbling around the house, determined not to let a broken bone keep her crawling for too long. We hoped this was a good sign that things were healing. Since it sounds like we have a resident pirate walking around our house keeping watch over the hard wood floors, Faith has quickly earned the nick name "peg-leg".

The doctor was very happy with her follow up X-ray. On the left was the original X-Ray of the break (where the pen is pointing) on the right is her X-Ray from today. The thin sliver line you see on the right side of the bone, going quite a way up the fibula, is actually NEW growth of bone. All that in two weeks! She has received clearance to begin going cast-less for periods of time under strict supervision over the next 10 days. The break is healed but it is still weak, and we will need to be careful that she keeps her back flips and quadruple toe, triple toe combinations to a minimum (which is like trying to use floss to keep a wild horse tethered).

1 comment:

K. Reyes said...

Thank you for this blog, I have always thought the same way about babies bones being more forgiving, and I worried whether I would be able to discern what was a fracture vs. a more minor injury if ever faced with it. So kudos for passing along your experience and your doctor's guidance along, I will certainly take such an injury more seriously if it ever happens to my little ones....which is inevitable if you know my boys:) And of course too, don't be hard on yourself for letting it go a few days- I know so many moms who did the same- kids are just resilient, and nothing really truly slows them down as we would expect. Even back when I was in a car accident as a kid, my little sister was passed off to a neighbor by the paramedics, and she had multiple serious leg fractures, but she was only 2 and putting up a good front so even the medics missed it. Kids are amazing...and I just praise God for giving them the ability to heal quickly!! Our prayers for a speedy recovery for Faith!